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Historic District Commission minutes, 05/18/2010
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
May 18, 2010

Members present: Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Jason Berger, JB; Steve Sample, SS
Member absent with notification: Jim Harwood, JH
Member absent without notification: Elaine Steinert, ES

Staff present:  Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

Birchwood Inn, 7 Hubbard Street, Map 46 Parcel 31.  Fence demolition.

Ellen Chenaux, owner of the Birchwood Inn, a bed and breakfast establishment, made her presentation.  She has a stucco finished wall/fence that faces Main Street that is in disrepair and deteriorating from the inside out.  Ms. Chenaux provided a photograph to illustrate.  Pipes have been placed at intervals along the inside of the wall to prop-up the wall.  She has not been able to document the age of the wall, but does know that it was in place in 1980.  She would like to have the wall removed prior to her busy season.  In place of the fence, Ms. Chenaux would like to do landscaping which will provide screening from Main Street.

For the record, Ms. Chenaux, told the Commissioners that Richard and Joan Mears, abutters across the street have told her that they do not want the wall to be removed.

Suzanne Pelton and Gundula Brattke of the Historical Commission were present.  

Ms. Pelton argued that the Historic District Bylaws and Guidelines require that the owner repair and maintain their properties.  She would like research to be done to find out what the property looked like in the past and said that if it could be shown that another type of fence was there originally, she would support the replacement in kind.

Gundula Brattke, an abutter, spoke as a neighbor stating she felt that the wall was deteriorated beyond repair.

After discussion, it was decided that the meeting should be continued so that the Commissioners could have a site visit.  

JB made a motion to have a site visit on May 21, 2010 at 5:30 pm.  SS seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 3-0.

JB made a motion to continue the meeting to June 1, 2010 at 5:30 pm.  SS seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 3-0.

SS suggested that the Building Commissioner, Bill Thornton, be invited to attend the site visit.  SS also asked that the Building Commissioner be asked to define the structure as a fence or as a wall, and clarify if there is a difference.  KF will contact Mr. Thornton.  

5:30 pm Deborah Raptopoulos, 8 Franklin Street, Map 43 Parcel 191, the location  of Haven.  Replace the existing front doors with two 36” wide doors. Continued from May 4, 2010.  When the applicant, Shelly Williams, did not show KF called her.   She asked to have the meeting continued to June 1, 2010 at 5:30 pm.  
Minutes of April 20, 2010: JB made a motion to approve the minutes and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 3-0.

Other business:  KF asked the Commissioners for their opinion regarding the issue of signage in the District and whether there should be input from the business owners as to the application and approval process.  Discussion ensued, and JB stated that he is working on the revision of the Bylaw and since this process requires public involvement, there will be opportunity for input.

JB made a motion to adjourn and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve
3-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola